Support Rights to Unmute and learn how to become an advocate in the gaming space!
Our mission is to foster a safer, more inclusive online gaming environment by actively combating misogyny, hate speech, racism and bigotry. We are dedicated to empowering all gamers, especially women and marginalized groups, through community-driven initiatives, education, advocacy, and a unique social platform that exposes and discourages harmful behavior. We aim to create a space where the line between competitive banter and hateful speech is clear and respected, ensuring a positive and fair gaming experience for everyone.
Supporting Rights to Unmute is easy! Here are a few ways to donate.
Support Rights to Unmute with a general donation! These funds are used to support business expenses.
Our second tournament of the year is League of Legends! All donations here go directly to the tournament!
Rights to Unmute is attending Dreamhack Dallas from May 31 – June 2! Help us fund our booth build!
For those who are looking to give back and be the change!!